I want to share with you the benefits of family, and how staying connected to the family can help you overcome inflammation, heck any health issue you may face.
My Story
In 2007 during my battle with sickness, I was broke. Financially, emotionally I was desperate.
My family intervened. They showed me unconditionally love; they taught me support.
And financially they stepped in and helped me to the best of their ability. That support and love gave me the strength to fight my disease.
It gave me hope to wake up every morning knowing I’m not alone. It gave me power.
So it is essential to keep a close relationship with family members.
Be there for family
It begins by being there for them whenever they need you so they can be there for you when you need them.
My mother always told us that relationship is a matter of responsibilities. We have to work to understand people and put in the effort to mingle with them. We can’t expect them to come to us. We have to do most of the initial work.
I do believe we’re all deeply connected, especially family members. One person’s pain will be the other’s pain as well.
You may notice between brothers and sisters when one is off balance it affects the other.
Family is indispensable if you want to win the against inflammation.
I did it, you can too.
Let’s love ourselves and our family members unconditionally with no judgment. Sign up to join the Diena Health family and receive my three-step guide to renewing your body.
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