What you crave and eventually eat can make or break your health. That’s why I would like to share with you some symptom of inflammation so you can identify if cravings are putting you at risk.
When I was fighting inflammation and making changes to my life, I did struggle with cravings which made me do a lot of detours.
As a result, my situation got worse. I started to do the exact same thing about to share with you.
How to track what you eat .
The first thing I did was to make a list. Any time I eat any food that makes me feel a certain way I added it to that list.
Soon I had a bucket list of foods that trigger symptoms of inflammation.
But you wouldn’t know this if you’re not familiar with the symptoms of inflammation. That’s why it’s important to apply some type of prevention. When you notice the first symptom don’t wait; go seek for medical treatment right away.
Common symptoms of inflammation caused cravings:
Indigestion: You don’t want to overlook indigestion. You can observe it for a few hours or days based on how you feel.
But like many, you are used to glossing over indigestion or quickly self-medicate. That has to stop. Instead, visit your doctor and let them know the exact food you ate that made you feel that way.
Itching body and eyes: Another sign is when you feel itchy on your body including your eyes. It’s your body telling you something is not right and needs to be eliminated.
Constipation: This is another sign of cravings of foods you like that does your body harm. Take note of any food that makes you feel this way.
Headache: Never overlook the all-too-common headache.
Mood swings: Look out for mood swings as it can be related to hormonal imbalance. You may have eaten something that is not good for your body which may have caused hormonal imbalance.
Take note of the food that made you feel that and also seek medical treatment.
Lethargic feeling, diarrhea: If you feel lethargic, or you have diarrhea do not overlook and just go over the counter to take medication.
Observe it, drink a lot of water and see your doctor to determine the extent of it and to get rid of it before it causes you more damages.
Fatigue or tiredness: Another thing to check is if after eating you feel fatigued or unusually tired.
Also f you feel a heaviness of your hand or leg, pain on your joint after eating, then take note of the food. Try not to just take medication but seek medical help.
It’s important to highlight that sometimes when you eat your body won’t show any of these symptoms immediately.
Sometimes your body will react a few hours, days or weeks later. When this happens you can’t tell which food caused it. That’s why it’s important to keep track of what you eat.
I have developed a three-step process to help you understand your body better and develop a preventive system to fight off inflammation.
Click here to get the three-step process to renew your body now!
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