Insomnia has gotten under your skin for too long. It’s time to end that struggle.
I can say so because I have been there, and all I just want to share with you simple ways to deal with insomnia from my experience.
My struggle with insomnia
Insomnia was one of the recurrent symptoms during my battle with an inflammatory disease. It affected my productivity, health, and every night I literarily watch my life’s work go down hill.
Soon I had to figure things out for myself. I had, had enough. I took some time off to research and practice various ways to deal with insomnia and documented what worked.
Here are simple ways to deal with insomnia and win.
#1. Yogic breathing technique
#2. Water and green juice fasting
#3. Workout
#4. Massage therapy
Let’s open these steps out, shall we?
#1. Yogic breathing
Yogic breathing is a deeply balancing breathing exercise that benefits your Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.
It is sometimes known as a three-part breath because it works with three different sections of the torso and naturally engages all three lobes of the lungs.
Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you learn yogic breathing
#2. Water and green juice fasting
You may already be aware of my green juice fasting (if not, sign up to receive a guide here) but what you may not be familiar with is water fasting.
Water fasting is simply a gallon of spring water a day. You can drink two glasses of water every two hours.
Whether you’re doing water or green juice fasting, always pay close attention to your blood pressure.
#3. Workout
I can’t emphasise this enough. You need to workout to reenergize your body to optimal performance.
For me, I hit the gym as often as I can. When it’s once a week, twice or thrice make it a habit and work those muscles out to improve your sleep.
#4. Massage therapy
When I can afford it I see a massage therapist for a good relaxing massage. I usually do the Swedish deep tissue for one hour.
During my battle with insomnia, I found that anytime I did these activities I get back to a great cycle of sleep.
And to make things more soothing, I take a few days off work to relax and expose myself to nature by visiting the park for a walk or just to enjoy the company of nature.
For more body renewing techniques, sign up to receive my three-step process to renew your body now!
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